The videoboard is a digital canvas on which your material and your story come to life. It is a two-dimensional space onto which you can place highlights, recordings, and tags, and arrange them on the board as desired. You can augment your canvas with your choice of frameworks, and you can label areas of your canvas with text and sticky notes.
You can even dive into the objects you've placed on the board: you can read the transcript and play the footage on the board, or jump to the source material to understand the original context. You can add tags to highlights on the board, or select a group of items and create a reel to further craft and polish a story ready to share with others.
How to access the videoboard
Any Reduct user with access to a project can access the videoboard, by switching the sidebar on the left of the screen to the videoboard tab, located between tags and reels. This will show you a list of existing videoboards in your project, and allow editors to create a new one.
Adding items to your videoboard
Open or create a new videoboard, and then switch your left sidebar to recordings, highlights, or tags; drag-and-drop items from the left onto your board. For highlights, you can add individual items, or bring in larger sets by using the filters.
You can drag in tags, and tag groups, as well, which you can later choose to expand on the board in order to access all highlights that have had a specific tag applied.
Additionally, if you have a videoboard open in your central panel and run a transcript search, you can drag search results onto the board.
Navigating your videoboard
If you are using a trackpad, you can pinch-and-zoom and two-finger-swipe to move around your canvas. You can also hold down Command (on a mac) or Control (on windows) and use your machine's gesture to scroll up or down to zoom in/out.
If you are using a mouse, you can move the canvas around by holding down the spacebar and dragging on the canvas, and use the scrollwheel to zoom in and out. You might have hold down Command (on a mac) or Control (on windows) to zoom in/out.
Alternatively, you can use the buttons with the magnifying glass icons in the top-right corner of the videoboard to zoom in and out.
Selecting items
click or tap on individual items to select them, shift-click to add multiple items to a selection, or click-and-drag on the canvas to make a selection of multiple items in one go.
Note that when you select multiple items, the sequence in which they are selected sometimes matters (eg for playback, or when you add items to a reel - see below), and is indicated by the numbers that appear next to the items in your selection.
Actions on the videoboard
When you select one or multiple items on the board, you can take action on those items. Depending on the type(s) of item(s) you've selected, you can...
Play a highlight or play a series of highlights in sequence
Open a highlight in it's original context
Add tags to highlights
Comment on a highlight
Add a selection of highlights to a reel
Change the color of notes
Change the text size of text on the board
Expand a tag into its constituent highlights
Each action has a keyboard shortcut listed next to it in the menu. You do not need to open the menu to use the keyboard shortcut.
In addition to those listed, you can hit enter to open the menu, and hit space to play on any selection.
Notes and text
You can add notes to your board, and change their color to red, blue, and yellow. You can also add text (without the colored box of a note), and change the size of that text.
A number of frameworks are available that provide structure to the otherwise featureless, infinite expanse of the Videoboard canvas. The frameworks range from a simple two-axis graph to venn diagrams and various cyclical, journey, and narrative structures. Rather than include fully detailed versions of canonical frameworks, we chose to treat them as geometric forms; most are unlabeled, intended to be repurposed and reinterpreted by users of different backgrounds. You can label axes, areas, or phases with words and phrases most appropriate for your task, by using the text tool.
Find on videoboard
You can rapidly find highlights on the videoboard by searching; this will match exact strings in highlight transcripts, and immediately select items that match. As you type, the number of selections will usually reduce. You can click on the number of results shown in the search field to zoom out to view all found items, if they are not currently visible.
The videoboard and commenters
Editors can do anything on a videoboard: add items, move them around, play and comment on highlights, and create reels. Reduct commenters can access and view a videoboard (including playback of highlights, and commenting), but cannot add new items to the board, move items around, or create reels.