Reduct supports the export of transcripts in ASCII txt or PDF format that meet the specifications laid out by the majority of court systems, and can be customized to include line numbers, timestamps, and/or a cover page.
Note: Legal-formatted transcript exports are only available on our Professional plan and for our Enterprise customers. If you are on the Personal plan, you can upgrade at any time, by going to Settings > Plan. All Reduct plans support exporting transcripts as Word documents.
Exporting legal-formatted PDF/TXT files
You can access the legal export options by clicking on the export icon at the top of a recording.
You'll then be able to configure the output as needed, before exporting either a PDF or a TXT file. Select whether you want to include line numbers, timestamps, and/or a cover page, and then click the button for the format you need.
The output
If you choose PDF, you'll get a file that looks like this:
And if you choose ASCII text file, your downloaded file will look like this: