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Working with time-coded media

Eg. for time-of-day timecodes.

Updated over 3 weeks ago

You can work with time-of-day timecodes in Reduct if the timecode metadata is present in the file you upload. While the timecodes don't show up in the Reduct interface, many of our exports are designed to preserve timecodes so you can work with them once you get your work outside of Reduct again.

The following exports support timecodes:

Transcript exports

When you export a .docx transcript from Reduct, the timecode data in the original media will be respected. This is true whether you are exporting the transcript from a recording in Reduct, or a reel.

Integration with Premiere

Our Premiere Integration works by re-linking your reel to source content in your Premiere project. Since timecodes will be present in the source media in Premiere already, this will preserve timecodes.

FCP XML Export (for Final Cut Pro and Davinci Resolve)

If you are working with Final Cut Pro or Davinci Resolve, you can use the FCPXML export from a Reduct reel. These exports support timecode offsets, so when you re-link to media in Final Cut or Davinci Resolve, your timelines will show up properly time-coded.

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